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The Journey to the Universal Data Lakehouse

Learn about the paths Apna, Notion, Uber, Walmart and Zoom took to the Universal Data Lakehouse.

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Register for this webinar to

Learn what a data lakehouse is and why you need one.

Discover how the lakehouse bridges the gap between data warehouses and data lakes.

See a live demo of the Onehouse Universal Data Lakehouse™ for popular use cases such as CDC.

About this Webinar:

The data lakehouse is attracting greater and greater adoption. But building your own data lakehouse is challenging. Onehouse's Universal Data Lakehouse™ is a fully managed service built on open source technology. It offers interoperability with the leading lakehouse formats and compatibility with leading data stores and query engines such as Snowflake, Databricks, and Amazon Athena.

Our live webinar includes an overview of Onehouse from Founder and CEO Vinoth Chandar and a live demo of Onehouse. You’ll see how the managed lakehouse can:

  • Accelerate time to market and reduce TCO
  • Simplify manual operations such as clustering and compaction
  • Integrate batch and streaming data, replicate operational database changes, provide access to multiple query engines, and more

Your Presenters:

Vinoth Chandar
Vinoth Chandar
CEO and Founder
Andy Walner
Andy Walner
Product Manager

Apna, Notion, Uber, Walmart, Zoom. What do these companies have in common? Aside from their businesses generating massive volumes of data - at high velocity - all of their teams have chosen the universal data lakehouse as a core component of their data stack and pipelines.

Across industries, the universal data lakehouse architecture is delivering significant cost savings, while accelerating data ingestion pipelines and opening up data to a variety of downstream data warehouses, query engines, and data science platforms.

Download this new eBook to learn how, with the Universal Data Lakehouse:

  • Apna improved their data freshness from several hours to just a few minutes.
  • Notion saved more than one million dollars in annual infrastructure costs.
  • Uber cut pipeline run times by 50%, while reducing ETL costs for critical tables by up to 80%.
  • Walmart manages a massive data estate, with data growing at tens of petabytes per day, efficiently.
  • Zoom cut their data storage expenses by 90%.

About this Webinar:

The data lakehouse is attracting greater and greater adoption. But building your own data lakehouse is challenging. Onehouse's Universal Data Lakehouse™ is a fully managed service built on open source technology. It offers interoperability with the leading lakehouse formats and compatibility with leading data stores and query engines such as Snowflake, Databricks, and Amazon Athena.

Our live webinar includes an overview of Onehouse from Founder and CEO Vinoth Chandar and a live demo of Onehouse. You’ll see how the managed lakehouse can:

Your Presenters:

Vinoth Chandar
CEO and Founder
Andy Walner
Product Manager
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